Monday, January 8, 2024

MCSF and Support Determination Google Group is Live

The Friend of the Court Bureau (FOCB), in partnership with representatives from friend of the court and prosecuting attorney offices, has created a new Google group focused on questions and answers about the Michigan Child Support Formula and support determinations. The group is designed to be user-led and will create a library of questions and answers users can search as needed.  Membership is open to employees of prosecuting attorney and friend of the court offices who perform support determinations (either establishing order, or review and modifications). 

To be added to the group, please e-mail Paul Gehm, Lisa Harris, Amy Rebideaux, Christen Schwab, or Jennifer Granzow.

Additionally, if you are interested, but not already a part of the Friend of the Court Bureau’s other Google groups, including Intergov, Motivational Interviewing, and Alternative Dispute Resolution, please feel free to reach out to Lisa Harris, the FOCB Management Assistant at